Dr. Billy Njuguna is an internationally known medical scientist, CEO/President of Nature Health International, and Founder/Director of East African Centre for IPT (Insulin Potentiated Therapy) & Anti-Aging Medicine in Kenya. He became greatly irritated with traditional oncology after practicing it for four years with little benefits to his patients and poor quality of life. During his fourth year in medical school, his physiology professor, Lamech Mulha, told him, “If you want to become a good physician you must think outside the box, you will learn from your own patients how to treat them even better.”
After even getting his MD degree, Professor Lamech’s words were still lingering in Dr. Billy’s mind. In 2002, he attended a medical conference in south Africa where he met Dr. M. R. Stone who was presenting a paper on cellular nutrition, and that become the turning point for Dr. Billy Njuguna.
In 2002 he established the first Cellular Nutritional clinics in East Africa and he became the first physician in East Africa to become certified and licensed to practice Cellular Medicine in Kenya. Dr Billy is a Board Certified Oncologist and a Certified IPT Practitioner. He is also the founder and President for African Genetics Neoplasms Foundation, a medical research based nonprofit organization, and the founder/Director of a micronutrients project called MESAA community program in Kenya.
Dr. Billy was trained in IPT by Dr. Steven Ayre, one of the pioneers of IPT in the USA, and subsequently received advanced training from Dr. Donato Peres Garcia, the grandson of the inventor of the protocol. In addition to Insulin Potentiated Therapy, Dr. Billy has broad knowledge of herbal and other integrative protocols, having practiced medicine for more than 16 years. Dr. Billy has been very actively involved in the integrative medicine community, including American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M), International Organization for IPT, and European Academy for IPT. He also serves as a Board Adviser for Army of Life Savers International. Dr. Billy is a lecturer and wellness consultant in the USA, Africa and Europe in integrative oncology, cellular nutrition and herbal medicine.
GLOBAL OUTREACH - We are gathering here today offering options and solutions. With your help we will coordinate the resources needed to better promote the health of our planet and all of humanity.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Billy Njuguna, MD - ALS Board Advisor
Army of LifeSavers International,
Billy Njuguna M.D.,
Cellular Medicine,
cellular nutrition,
Genetics Neoplasms Foundation,
herbal medicine,
Insulin Potentiated Therapy,
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Dr. Leo Rebello
Dr. Leo Rebello
This is an abridged version of the Chapter of eponymous title from
Dr. Leo Rebello’s inspiring book World without Wars published in 2009
nominated for Peace Nobel thrice since then.
Our modern world is not only crazier than we think, but crazier than we can possibly imagine. This can be proved by the following examples:
(a) The Court in Minnesota orders a parent to poison her 13-year-old boy with chemotherapy as it believes chemo is the only treatment for cancer that works (parental and child rights be damned).
(b) London-based epidemiologist Malcolm Law says that all those above 55 years be put on toxic blood pressure drugs, regardless of the health status of the person. He says that the “polypill” (containing statin) would be an effective way to cut the number of heart attacks and strokes in the UK . [1]
(c) Massachusetts Senate passes a law allowing mandatory vaccinations of all citizens and a $1,000 / day fine for those who refuse. It also legalizes health care "interrogations" of citizens, forced entry into their homes, "involuntary transportation" of people into quarantine camps, etc.
(d) Soy protein is contaminated with a toxic chemical solvent Hexane that’s a byproduct of gasoline refining. Hexane (a lethal neurotoxin) is found in soy protein that’s used in infant formula, protein bars, and other soy products.
Austrian investigative journalist, Jane Burgermeister, filed a lawsuit in Vienna (in July 2009) against the companies (Baxter and Avir), which are preparing the vaccine against the resulting pandemic on the grounds that they are preparing a global genocide designed to substantially reduce the world's population. [2]
This sinister agenda goes back to the Rockefeller family, which had supported the Nazi's racial agenda and which today controls virtually 100% of the US bioengineering industry, as well as the UN.
As part of the Population Control Pogrom, various wars, in the name of Health, are waged against you. Like the carpet-bombing of Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan, vaccines, drugs, carcinogens, steroids, statins, anti-retrovirals, antibiotics, aspartame, fluoride and other chemicals are pumped into you. More people are killed in normal times, in hospitals – by devils called doctors -- than all the war casualties put together.
Under the Model State Emergency Health Powers Act, upon the declaration of a “public health emergency,” public health officials can: *Force individuals with “infectious disease” to undergo medical examinations. *Force persons to be vaccinated, treated, or quarantined for infectious diseases. *Control public and private property during a public health emergency, including nursing homes, other health care facilities, and communications devices. *Mobilize all or any part of the “organized militia into service to help enforce the state’s orders.” *Impose fines and penalties to enforce their orders.
The arrogant medical scientists instead of educating the parents what causes genetic disorders are trying to create artificial sperm and artificially inseminate a woman. But they won’t inform that junk food, drugs, tobacco, alcohol cause a loss in sperm quality in the first place. They will also keep mum that after a hundred years of medical domination, they have yet to create a single cure for anything: Cancer, diabetes, heart disease, depression, Alzheimer's, kidney stones or a thousand other health conditions.
These ‘sickos’ who cannot think beyond insane profits, have also turned pregnancy (a natural phenomenon) into a disease -- evidenced by the way pregnant women are rushed into hospitals for all sorts of poking, prodding and blood testing. There is no willingness in modern medicine to simply let pregnancy, childbirth or fertility happen naturally. It's all about intervention and profits.
It is high time, says Robert Butts that we can solve any high profit problem by deprofitising the problem. But the septuagenarian committed to Water Cure and Salt Treatment [3], like several others, does not understand the cloak and dagger Laws of the Pharmaceutical Industry.
The governing principles of the medicine mafia
1. By last count, the medicine mafia has produced some 30,000 diseases.
2. ‘Pharma Industry’ was artificially created and strategically developed over an entire century by the same investment groups that control the global petrochemical and chemical industries.
3. The huge profits of this industry are based on the patenting of new drugs. These patents essentially allow drug manufacturers to arbitrarily define the profits for their products.
4. A key strategy to accomplish this goal is the development of drugs that merely mask symptoms while avoiding the curing or elimination of diseases.
3. The huge profits of this industry are based on the patenting of new drugs. These patents essentially allow drug manufacturers to arbitrarily define the profits for their products.
4. A key strategy to accomplish this goal is the development of drugs that merely mask symptoms while avoiding the curing or elimination of diseases.
5. They expand their market by continuously hoodwinking the patients. For example, Bayer’s pain pill Aspirin is now taken by over 50 million healthy US citizens under the illusion it will prevent heart attacks.
6. Another key strategy is to cause new diseases with drugs. For example, all cholesterol-lowering drugs currently on the market are known to increase the risk of developing cancer.
6. Another key strategy is to cause new diseases with drugs. For example, all cholesterol-lowering drugs currently on the market are known to increase the risk of developing cancer.
7. The known deadly side effects of prescription drugs are the fourth leading cause of death in the industrialized world. [4]
8. Prevention and root cause treatment of diseases decrease long-term profitability; therefore, they are avoided or even obstructed by this industry.
9. To protect the strategic development of its investment business against the threat from effective, natural and non-patentable therapies, the pharmaceutical industry has – over an entire century - used the most unscrupulous methods, such as:
(a) Withholding life-saving health information from millions of people; for example, Vitamin C is available in fruits, vegetables and herbs in plenty and it can prevent and cure cancers without any costly intervention.
(b) Discrediting natural health therapies. The most common way is through global campaigns that spread lies about the alleged side effects of natural substances used for millennia. Or lies of homeopathy being placebo, etc.
(c) Banning by law the dissemination of information about natural health therapies. To that end, the ‘Big Pharma’ has placed its lobbyists in key political positions in key markets and leading drug export nations.
10. Pharma business is the biggest con in human history. The product “health” promised by drug companies is not delivered. Instead, the “products” most often delivered are the opposite: new diseases and frequently, death of millions.
11. The survival of ‘pharma’ is dependent on the elimination of effective natural health therapies. Yes, these traditional and natural therapies have become the treatment of choice for millions of people despite the combined economic, political and media opposition of the world’s largest investment industry.
(a) Withholding life-saving health information from millions of people; for example, Vitamin C is available in fruits, vegetables and herbs in plenty and it can prevent and cure cancers without any costly intervention.
(b) Discrediting natural health therapies. The most common way is through global campaigns that spread lies about the alleged side effects of natural substances used for millennia. Or lies of homeopathy being placebo, etc.
(c) Banning by law the dissemination of information about natural health therapies. To that end, the ‘Big Pharma’ has placed its lobbyists in key political positions in key markets and leading drug export nations.
10. Pharma business is the biggest con in human history. The product “health” promised by drug companies is not delivered. Instead, the “products” most often delivered are the opposite: new diseases and frequently, death of millions.
11. The survival of ‘pharma’ is dependent on the elimination of effective natural health therapies. Yes, these traditional and natural therapies have become the treatment of choice for millions of people despite the combined economic, political and media opposition of the world’s largest investment industry.
You see we are doing everything to help you is the usual refrain. Fluoridation, for example, gives you Germ Free Aqua Pura. Let us look at this claim.
Fluoridation is a practice in which a relatively small number of people, with limited scientific qualifications, are intent on fluoridating drinking water supplies worldwide with very little to no understanding of fluoride's toxicology. [5]
The worldwide ambitions of this dental lobby was revealed in November 2006 when the WHO (supported with a lot of cash from the US as well as the sugar lobby), IADR (for whom the fluoridation practice represents the gravy train for dental research) and the FDI (funded by the toothpaste, sugar, pharmaceutical and chemical industries) organized the "Global Consultation on Oral Health through Fluoride" in Geneva and Ferney Voltaire, 17-19 November 2006. These bodies (WHO, IADR and FDI) issued a declaration containing this preposterous phrase: "universal access to fluoride for dental health is a part of the basic human right to health."
The worldwide ambitions of this dental lobby was revealed in November 2006 when the WHO (supported with a lot of cash from the US as well as the sugar lobby), IADR (for whom the fluoridation practice represents the gravy train for dental research) and the FDI (funded by the toothpaste, sugar, pharmaceutical and chemical industries) organized the "Global Consultation on Oral Health through Fluoride" in Geneva and Ferney Voltaire, 17-19 November 2006. These bodies (WHO, IADR and FDI) issued a declaration containing this preposterous phrase: "universal access to fluoride for dental health is a part of the basic human right to health."
Fluoride was first used in the concentration camps of WW2 to keep the prisoners subdued and sterile. If you do not believe they mean to calm us all by this method, please consider the fact that moods altering medications or calmers, such as, Prozac, are around 94% fluoride. So, a very expensive to dispose of, toxic waste, is bought by our taxes to add to the water to help our teeth.
In the mean time, more and more people die of cancer, Alzheimer’s, osteosarcoma etc, fertility is reduced lowering the birth rate. Someone who dies from smoking-induced cancer is listed as dying from cancer, not smoking. Someone who has fluoride induced cancer...cancer instead of fluoride poisoning.
Laws have been made to protect the pharma and water companies from lawsuits for mishaps or damages. Even fluorosis of the teeth (affecting approx. 78% of kids in Ireland ) is listed as being cosmetic, not treatable under the NHS dental services.
Eleanore Dunn, Nutritionist, comments: “All these things lead to the destruction of the probiotics, the metabolizers in our bodies that make the elements bio-available. Everything alive on the planet needs probiotics to survive. We need to focus on this issue since it is the root cause of all of the diseases. We need to clean the water with hydrogen peroxide since a virus, bacteria, pathogen or cancer cannot survive in a liquid oxygen environment. This is the cure for swine flu, cancer, AIDS, etc. and is so easy to prove scientifically. Just have them test the rainwater for probiotics as they create our hydrogen peroxide, the immune system”.
Now since they say Swine Flu is raging, let us do quick calculations. Assuming you believe the vaccine works, it turns out you would have to vaccinate 200,000 people to prevent the death of just one person from swine flu. And vaccinating 200,000 people would probably result in the harm or death of several just from the vaccine side effects. But it will mean trillions of dollars of profit.
If any further proof of ‘pharma con’ is required, this message received on 1st Sept. 2009, via email should put the nail in the coffin of the killer Pharma industry.
I am the author of the book "The Medical Mafia". [6] Among the many topics mentioned in this volume, I was revealing the ineffectiveness and dangers of vaccination. At that time, I was a practicing physician in Quebec, Canada, under the name of Ghislaine Lanctôt, and the owner of numerous medical clinics. Because of my professional status, my words weighed significantly in the public eye. The Medical Board’s reaction was immediate and strong. Its leaders demanded that I resign as a physician.
I answered that I would do so as long as they could prove that what I had written was false. The Medical Board replied with a call for my expulsion.
I answered that I would do so as long as they could prove that what I had written was false. The Medical Board replied with a call for my expulsion.
An 11-day trial followed (1995), where I appeared without any lawyer. The arguments rested mainly on vaccination. As I witnessed the disproportionate reaction of the Medical Board, I realized that, for the health establishment, the subject of vaccination was taboo, discovered that, despite official claims, vaccines have nothing to do with public health. Underneath the governmental stamp of approval, there are deep military, political and industrial interests.
Throughout the trial, the Medical Board brought many physicians as public health “experts”. During the cross-examination of one of these, Dr. Richard Massé, I used an episode from the March 11, 1979, 60 Minutes TV show from CBS. This episode talked about the tragic and massive vaccination in USA during the 1976 swine flu outbreak.
None of the physicians at the trial took this information seriously. Since this trial, these same physicians have continued their career in public health and now hold hon’ble positions. They are the very ones who are pushing the public toward a new worldwide epidemic. This A(H1N1) pandemic is concocted and orchestrated by the WHO, and serves the same military, political and industrial interests as those of 1976.
I am emerging from a long silence on the subject of vaccination, because I feel that, this time, the stakes involved are huge. The consequences may spread much further than anticipated. Here are the most important ones:
* Compulsory inoculation of vaccines containing a deadly virus.
* Massive and targeted reduction of the world population.
* Through vaccines, possible introduction of tiny microchips for mind control.
* Establishment of martial law and police state.
* Activation of the concentration camps built to accommodate the rebellious.
* Transfer of power from all nations to a single New World Order.
“She has decided to take sanyas. She has given up her identity cards, bank accounts, insurance, driver’s license and has decided to let her Canadian passport lapse and was just released from jail. I wonder how this 66-year old lady will survive. This is how Medicine Mafia operates” wrote Thomas Victor, an Indian-American Health Activist, in Sept. 2009.
* Massive and targeted reduction of the world population.
* Through vaccines, possible introduction of tiny microchips for mind control.
* Establishment of martial law and police state.
* Activation of the concentration camps built to accommodate the rebellious.
* Transfer of power from all nations to a single New World Order.
“She has decided to take sanyas. She has given up her identity cards, bank accounts, insurance, driver’s license and has decided to let her Canadian passport lapse and was just released from jail. I wonder how this 66-year old lady will survive. This is how Medicine Mafia operates” wrote Thomas Victor, an Indian-American Health Activist, in Sept. 2009.
Louis Pasteur, originator of the “Germ Theory” of disease on which the concept of vaccines are predicated, recanted his entire theory on his death bed when he capitulated to his biggest critic, Antoine Beauchamp, by saying “The germ is nothing, the terrain is everything". By “terrain” Pasteur was referring to the amount of dissolved oxygen in the body. Otto Warburg won the Nobel Prize in 1931 for his discovery that no virus, no pathogen can survive in an oxygen rich environment. This finding has been massively suppressed by the pharmaceutical industry, which is the biggest con of our times and yet it has the stranglehold of “religion” on the minds of even well educated people.
Virologist Bill Deagle, MD was approached by the CIA a few years ago wanting his help to develop a weaponized flu and weaponized vaccine for population control purposes. After pouring over their documents he refused to help them and at the risk to his life became a whistleblower. [7]
How many of you know that Codex Alementarius has come into effect on the midnight of 31st December 2009, which will mean: Quality nutrients would be banned and only foods that were GMO, irradiated, hormone or antibiotic infused etc. would be available? Toxic chemicals presently banned would be allowed, and, of course, pharmaceuticals not touched at all.
Mahesh Bhatt, filmmaker, adds a new dimension to the growing rage against GM food. In the film, Poison on the Platter, he says the health hazards of genetically modified food would dwarf all catastrophes like nuclear attack, floods, cyclones and the world wars. It is bioterrorism, he emphasizes, and it has the potential to wipe out life from the planet, in its entirety. After all, he argues, everyone needs food and if that is poisoned, what could be more devastating?
Harm from GM food is not a myth, says Bhatt as he portrays the havoc wrought by the GM food supplement L-Tryptophan on American Citizens. Jeffrey Smith, author of Genetic Roulette, proves it led to scores of deaths and thousands were taken ill by the time the source of the problem was discovered.
Dr Gregory Damato gives an idea about what GM food can do to us. (a) There is no increase in yield with GM. (b) Gene insertion has unintended cascading effects. (c) One gene insertion can have more than one uncontrolled effect. (d) Decrease in fertility, very serious and deep-rooted immunological changes, and allergies. (e) A single gene insertion caused uncontrolled changes in 1016 genes of mice under experimentation. (f) The after effects were more pronounced in the third generation. (g) Emergence of newly expressed proteins with allergenic potential.
We need to wake up to fight this war on our health, now, for tomorrow may be too late.
4. Journal of the American Medical Association, April 15, 1998.
Additional Resources
dr. leo rebello,
natural healing,
War On Your Health
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Pasteur vs. Bechamp
Louis Pasteur vs. Antoine Bechamp
Mainstream medicine believes that virtually all illness is caused by germs or genetic hereditary weakness, as well as deformities and trauma injuries. Their solution and strategy is to have us believe that there are over 10,000 different diseases and that each of these diseases requires outside intervention from drugs and surgery. The truth is that most illness is due to cellular malfunction caused by cellular toxicities and cellular malnutrition, both of which can be avoided and overcome naturally. Pasteur essentially dug up the germ theory of disease and put his name on it. It wasn`t a new idea. The concept, which theorizes that many diseases are caused by germs, had actually been outlined by other people many years before. Pasteur nevertheless claimed to have "discovered" germs. Bechamp, on the other hand, proved through original research that most diseases are the result of diseased tissue and that bacteria and viruses are largely after-effects instead of causes of disease.
Antoine Bechamp was able to scientifically prove that germs are the chemical by-products and constituents of pleomorphic microorganisms enacting upon the unbalanced, malfunctioning cell metabolism and dead tissue that actually produces disease. Bechamp found that the diseased, acidic, low-oxygen cellular environment is created by a toxic/nutrient deficient diet, toxic emotions, and a toxic lifestyle. His findings demonstrate how cancer develops through the morbid changes of germs to bacteria, bacteria to viruses, viruses to fungal forms and fungal forms to cancer cells.
After some initial controversy, Pasteur`s germ theory ended up winning the day with mainstream medicine - owing in large part to the fact that the theory enabled mainstream medicine to hugely profit from the patented drugs and treatments for fighting germs. After all, had Bechamp`s discoveries been incorporated into current medical curriculum, it would likely have meant a virtual elimination of disease and the end of the pharmaceutical industry.
The germ theory of medicine stands in stark contrast to thousands of years of man looking to nature to nourish and heal it, dating back to ancient Chinese medicine which treated the whole body instead of the symptoms of illness. As Hippocrates, "the father of medicine" observed 2400 years ago, "Nature is the physician of man." Hippocrates also advised, "Leave your drugs in the chemist`s pots if you can cure your patient with food."
Though mainstream medicine might have us believe otherwise, the simple truth is that no one ever became ill due to a deficiency in pharmaceutical drugs. Lack of nutrition combined with exposure to toxins is what causes us to become ill.
Someday, germ theory and unnatural drugs will be relegated to the science junk pile where they belong and man will re-discover the value of eating a nutrient-dense organic diet, avoiding toxins and nutritional deficiencies and living a healthy lifestyle. When that happens, the words of Thomas Edison may prove to be a welcome prophesy:
"The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease."
Source: http://scientifichealthjournal.blogspot.com/2012/03/louis-pasteur-vs-antoine-bechamp.html
Antoine Bechamp,
cellular malnutrition,
cellular toxicities,
germ theory,
Louis Pasteur,
medical practice,
Thursday, March 22, 2012
International IPT/IPTLD Conference - 9th Annual
The demand for integrative oncology is on the upswing as both patients and doctors grow impatient with the failed war on cancer. Best Answer for Cancer Foundation's 2011 conference this past May had quadruple the attendance of the previous year, and 17 new doctors were trained in the protocols of insulin potentiation therapy (IPT). The group is an international leader in the move away from a one-size-fits-all kind of treatment to an integrated, patient-centered approach.
"Cancer is a multibillion dollar market and growing fast," says Tomas Hode, PhD, who is working on an autologous vaccine. "Companies make a lot of money on something that doesn't work that well. Metastases are the major cause of death in cancer. Yet from 1972 to 2004, only 0.5% of the NCI-sponsored studies focused primarily on metastasis."
Metastases (the spread of cancer from one spot to another) are a manifestation of treatment failure. The survival rate today for a metastatic cancer is about what it was in the 1970s.
Integrative oncology does not mean standard doses of chemo and radiation plus a sprinkling of vitamins and an acupuncture treatment. "Cancer is an entire system fallen ill," says Dr. William Njuguna of Kenya. "That is why chemical attacks like chemotherapy cannot heal it. Therapy needs to reverse the body milieu."
"For the first time in 100 years, newborns have a shorter life expectancy than their parents," Doris J. Rapp, MD, points out. "Pesticides may be the worst thing in our environment. The government admits that 30 to 90% of fungicides, herbicides and pesticides cause cancer. We eat approximately 25 pesticides a day. And with genetically engineered crops, we are using more than ever – and it's still not working well. Forty years ago, insect crop damage was about 7% of the harvest; now it is about 13%. No wonder cancer is still a leading killer. How sick and malnourished do people have to get before those in power do something?"
Dan Clark, MD, of Florida agrees with putting pesticides on the top of the list. "Alzheimer's and cancer are both mitochondrial diseases. The thing that does the most the damage to the mitochondria (where cells convert fuel to energy) is pesticides." And California's Juergen Winkler, MD, concurs: "Pesticides and heavy metals – we find them in all our cancer patients."
We have more than 80,000 chemicals in our environment, but only about 15% have been tested for safety. Chemicals damage the body's systems, including the immune system. Over time, the damage can alter people's DNA and destiny such that they become a cancer statistic.3,4 This is the argument for making prevention an integral part of any cancer strategy. Integrative oncologists take that to heart. Most say they don't consider the job done when the cancer cells are killed; they pay attention to the inner terrain during
treatment and, most importantly in terms of preventing cancer's return, they teach their patients how to boost the inner terrain long after treatment is over.
The list of such efforts often includes teaching patients how to make permanent changes in diet; teaching how to make ongoing use of chelation, colonics and other detoxifying tools; getting the hormones balanced; getting heavy metals and root canals out of the mouth; switching out common household and beauty care products for nontoxic brands; and coming to grips with whatever emotional baggage may be contributing to a depressed immune system.
"Cancer does not appear out of nowhere; there is more to this than cells that suddenly go abnormal," says Pieter DeWet, MD, of Texas and founder of the Center for Nutrition Preventative Medicine at the University of Texas Health Center. "To treat the symptoms is like shooting the messenger. The current paradigm does not trust the body's ability to heal itself. It is conceivable that cancer is a biological solution to internal imbalances created by unresolved inner conflicts in conjunction with other factors such as lifestyle, diet,
environmental toxins, and infectious agents."
"Cancer is a multibillion dollar market and growing fast," says Tomas Hode, PhD, who is working on an autologous vaccine. "Companies make a lot of money on something that doesn't work that well. Metastases are the major cause of death in cancer. Yet from 1972 to 2004, only 0.5% of the NCI-sponsored studies focused primarily on metastasis."
Metastases (the spread of cancer from one spot to another) are a manifestation of treatment failure. The survival rate today for a metastatic cancer is about what it was in the 1970s.
Integrative oncology does not mean standard doses of chemo and radiation plus a sprinkling of vitamins and an acupuncture treatment. "Cancer is an entire system fallen ill," says Dr. William Njuguna of Kenya. "That is why chemical attacks like chemotherapy cannot heal it. Therapy needs to reverse the body milieu."
The Fragile Milieu
The cancer establishment tells us to fight cancer. We march out the familiar three-pronged attack of surgery, chemo, and radiation – weapons of mass destruction to be hurled at an already debilitated immune system. The majority of the drugs are not taken up by the cancer cells; the massive dosage wreaks havoc on healthy cells and blood components. Good cells die along with the bad. We know that surgeries can cause metastases down the road, once chemo and radiation have killed the P53 tumor-suppressor gene. Indeed, cancer usually returns between 6 and 11 years, which is why the statistics measure 5-year survival rates.
When the initial treatment produces clear cancer markers, the patient is sent home and told to hope for the best. The cancer is declared "gone," yet a very fragile immune system is left to fend for itself. Too often the body flounders and the cancer returns – harder to kill than before, and easier to metastasize.
It is becoming clear that we've been losing "the war on cancer" in great part because the current paradigm is too focused on bombarding cancer cells rather than healing a depleted body. Doctors of every stripe can agree that cancer is a failure of the immune system.
The cancer establishment tells us to fight cancer. We march out the familiar three-pronged attack of surgery, chemo, and radiation – weapons of mass destruction to be hurled at an already debilitated immune system. The majority of the drugs are not taken up by the cancer cells; the massive dosage wreaks havoc on healthy cells and blood components. Good cells die along with the bad. We know that surgeries can cause metastases down the road, once chemo and radiation have killed the P53 tumor-suppressor gene. Indeed, cancer usually returns between 6 and 11 years, which is why the statistics measure 5-year survival rates.
When the initial treatment produces clear cancer markers, the patient is sent home and told to hope for the best. The cancer is declared "gone," yet a very fragile immune system is left to fend for itself. Too often the body flounders and the cancer returns – harder to kill than before, and easier to metastasize.
It is becoming clear that we've been losing "the war on cancer" in great part because the current paradigm is too focused on bombarding cancer cells rather than healing a depleted body. Doctors of every stripe can agree that cancer is a failure of the immune system.
Tumors are wounds that do not heal. Every cancer medication should improve wound healing. —Rudolph Virchow, 1865
Cancer is a wily beast. It mutates so much, it is tough to keep pace with it. "That is why we really need to stimulate the immune system," said Martha M. Grout, MD, MD(H), of Arizona. "The immune system kills many cancerous cells every day. A tumor is partly 'me,' but not completely 'me,' so you need to
include the body's own immune system in the treatment. It is the only thing in our body that recognizes what is 'me' and what is not."
Conference participants were universally of the opinion that if you kill off every single tumor cell but you don't have a support system for the immune system, then the cancer is very likely coming back. The immune system must be nourished, made stronger than when the cancer took hold. As Hode puts it, "The immune system is potentially the best guard against metastases." Yet conventional therapy dispenses precious little information about the toxic world that assaults our immune system daily, information especially important
for cancer patients.
include the body's own immune system in the treatment. It is the only thing in our body that recognizes what is 'me' and what is not."
Conference participants were universally of the opinion that if you kill off every single tumor cell but you don't have a support system for the immune system, then the cancer is very likely coming back. The immune system must be nourished, made stronger than when the cancer took hold. As Hode puts it, "The immune system is potentially the best guard against metastases." Yet conventional therapy dispenses precious little information about the toxic world that assaults our immune system daily, information especially important
for cancer patients.
Our Toxic World
At least two recent reports have concluded that cancer is, in large part, an environmental disease.1,2 The most recent, the 2010 President's Cancer Panel, said that it was "particularly concerned to find that the true burden of environmentally induced cancer has been grossly underestimated," and that "grievous harm from carcinogens" has not been addressed adequately by the National Cancer Program." Among the pollutants the panel identified as causing cancer:
At least two recent reports have concluded that cancer is, in large part, an environmental disease.1,2 The most recent, the 2010 President's Cancer Panel, said that it was "particularly concerned to find that the true burden of environmentally induced cancer has been grossly underestimated," and that "grievous harm from carcinogens" has not been addressed adequately by the National Cancer Program." Among the pollutants the panel identified as causing cancer:
- medical imaging radiation exposure
- pharmaceuticals
- pesticides
- the military's 900 Superfund sites
- chlorine byproducts in public water supplies
- manufacturing
- lifestyle – modern conveniences such as dry-cleaning fluid, cell phones, and tanning booths

Dan Clark, MD, of Florida agrees with putting pesticides on the top of the list. "Alzheimer's and cancer are both mitochondrial diseases. The thing that does the most the damage to the mitochondria (where cells convert fuel to energy) is pesticides." And California's Juergen Winkler, MD, concurs: "Pesticides and heavy metals – we find them in all our cancer patients."
We have more than 80,000 chemicals in our environment, but only about 15% have been tested for safety. Chemicals damage the body's systems, including the immune system. Over time, the damage can alter people's DNA and destiny such that they become a cancer statistic.3,4 This is the argument for making prevention an integral part of any cancer strategy. Integrative oncologists take that to heart. Most say they don't consider the job done when the cancer cells are killed; they pay attention to the inner terrain during
treatment and, most importantly in terms of preventing cancer's return, they teach their patients how to boost the inner terrain long after treatment is over.
The list of such efforts often includes teaching patients how to make permanent changes in diet; teaching how to make ongoing use of chelation, colonics and other detoxifying tools; getting the hormones balanced; getting heavy metals and root canals out of the mouth; switching out common household and beauty care products for nontoxic brands; and coming to grips with whatever emotional baggage may be contributing to a depressed immune system.
"Cancer does not appear out of nowhere; there is more to this than cells that suddenly go abnormal," says Pieter DeWet, MD, of Texas and founder of the Center for Nutrition Preventative Medicine at the University of Texas Health Center. "To treat the symptoms is like shooting the messenger. The current paradigm does not trust the body's ability to heal itself. It is conceivable that cancer is a biological solution to internal imbalances created by unresolved inner conflicts in conjunction with other factors such as lifestyle, diet,
environmental toxins, and infectious agents."
Targeted Delivery of Chemo
What if we trusted the body's own hormone, insulin, to allow us to target the chemotherapy drugs directly to the cancer cells, largely bypassing the healthy cells? This approach, IPT, was first used for cancer in 1946; the patient in that case lived disease-free for another 30 years. IPT has been a successful cancer treatment used around the world ever since. Studies at George Washington University, the National Cancer Institute, and M. D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute demonstrated that insulin potentiates (makes more effective) chemotherapy drugs.
IPT stands on the shoulders of Nobel Prize-winning achievements. In 1921, insulin was discovered. About a decade later, Otto Warburg taught us that cancer cells differ from other cells in that their main fuel is glucose (sugar). This is a vulnerability that can be used to our advantage in therapy. When you administer insulin to drop a patient's blood sugar level, cancer cells become ravenous for any sugar (fuel) that they can find left in the bloodstream. At the therapeutic moment – that is usually when the blood sugar level dips into the 40s – the cancer cells are screaming for sugar. Now administer the chemo drugs, and the cancer cells take in the drugs in their effort to get at the sugar. Think of it as the Trojan horse concept. It doesn't take long for the drugs to find their way into the cells; a few minutes later the patient's blood sugar level can be brought back up to normal.
A 1981 George Washington University study found that using insulin increased the killing effect of one of the key chemo drugs, methotrexate, by a factor of 10,000.5 There was a small study done in Uruguay with multi-drug-resistant metastatic breast cancer which found that the combination of methotrexate and insulin stabilized or shrank the tumor far better than methotrexate alone.6
The use of insulin to target chemo works so well, patients need to receive only about 10% of the usual dose. Best Answer for Cancer Foundation wanted to underscore the ability to target the chemo and initiated the term IPTLD (insulin potentiation targeted low dose). The smaller dosage saves a lot of wear and tear on the immune system and vital organs. IPTLD patients typically do not have severe bouts of nausea, intestinal ulcers, or hair loss as commonly happens in conventional therapy. IPTLD patients feel better during treatment and report a better quality of life than their friends who undergo conventional treatment.
Insulin brings other assets to the table as well.
"In conventional treatment, only about 20% of the cells are being attacked at any one time," explained Dr. Richard Linchitz of New York. "Insulin, however, sends cells into a growth phase so it sensitizes the cancer to treatment – makes the drugs more likely to kill the cells because more are dividing. Insulin increases S-phase activity."
A third way that insulin helps is with detoxification. Insulin increases cellular permeability, meaning that glucose goes in more easily, and the low-dose chemo goes in more easily. The door swings both ways – toxins and debris from dying tumor cells also pass out much more easily. Insulin facilitates the detoxification so necessary with cancer.
What if we trusted the body's own hormone, insulin, to allow us to target the chemotherapy drugs directly to the cancer cells, largely bypassing the healthy cells? This approach, IPT, was first used for cancer in 1946; the patient in that case lived disease-free for another 30 years. IPT has been a successful cancer treatment used around the world ever since. Studies at George Washington University, the National Cancer Institute, and M. D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute demonstrated that insulin potentiates (makes more effective) chemotherapy drugs.
IPT stands on the shoulders of Nobel Prize-winning achievements. In 1921, insulin was discovered. About a decade later, Otto Warburg taught us that cancer cells differ from other cells in that their main fuel is glucose (sugar). This is a vulnerability that can be used to our advantage in therapy. When you administer insulin to drop a patient's blood sugar level, cancer cells become ravenous for any sugar (fuel) that they can find left in the bloodstream. At the therapeutic moment – that is usually when the blood sugar level dips into the 40s – the cancer cells are screaming for sugar. Now administer the chemo drugs, and the cancer cells take in the drugs in their effort to get at the sugar. Think of it as the Trojan horse concept. It doesn't take long for the drugs to find their way into the cells; a few minutes later the patient's blood sugar level can be brought back up to normal.
A 1981 George Washington University study found that using insulin increased the killing effect of one of the key chemo drugs, methotrexate, by a factor of 10,000.5 There was a small study done in Uruguay with multi-drug-resistant metastatic breast cancer which found that the combination of methotrexate and insulin stabilized or shrank the tumor far better than methotrexate alone.6
The use of insulin to target chemo works so well, patients need to receive only about 10% of the usual dose. Best Answer for Cancer Foundation wanted to underscore the ability to target the chemo and initiated the term IPTLD (insulin potentiation targeted low dose). The smaller dosage saves a lot of wear and tear on the immune system and vital organs. IPTLD patients typically do not have severe bouts of nausea, intestinal ulcers, or hair loss as commonly happens in conventional therapy. IPTLD patients feel better during treatment and report a better quality of life than their friends who undergo conventional treatment.
Insulin brings other assets to the table as well.

A third way that insulin helps is with detoxification. Insulin increases cellular permeability, meaning that glucose goes in more easily, and the low-dose chemo goes in more easily. The door swings both ways – toxins and debris from dying tumor cells also pass out much more easily. Insulin facilitates the detoxification so necessary with cancer.
Chemo Isn't the Only Game In Town
Cancer cells tend to become drug resistant. It's helpful if the toolbox contains something other than just chemo. This is where vitamin C shines. It is commonly used by integrative oncologists as an adjunct cytotoxic agent to kill cancer cells.7 The National Institutes of Health (NIH) confirmed in 2005 that high doses of vitamin C given intravenously are able to kill a high proportion of cancer cells.8 The mechanism of cellular death is high levels of intracellular hydrogen peroxide which are produced in response to the vitamin C. High doses of intravenous vitamin C also help the immune system because they can ward off bacterial and fungal infections.
PolyMVA is another popular adjunct agent with an enviable safety record. It is a bound lipoic acid palladium complex that is highly selective for malignant tissue. Board-certified oncologist Dr. James Forsythe conducted clinical trials with PolyMVA and terminally ill (stage IV) cancer patients. He reported that the overall survival rate was 71% in the PolyMVA group; less than 10% of those patients would have been expected to survive two years if they had continued to receive conventional therapy alone. His work was compelling enough to persuade the FDA in 2008 to approve the first cancer-related Investigational New Drug study utilizing a dietary supplement.
Whereas conventional therapy frowns on the use of antioxidants because they can neutralize chemo drugs, integrative oncologists use a number of antioxidants. Conventional therapy sees the need for the chemo agents to hang around for days to catch as many cells dividing as possible; IPTLD's targeted delivery system negates the need for that because insulin already encouraged cell division when the drugs were administered. It's better for the immune system to get the chemo out quickly.
"If you have maximum oxygen utilization, you don't get cancer, period," Frank Shallenberger, MD, HMD, of Nevada explained at the conference. "I have never tested one cancer patient who had normal oxygen utilization; we can quantitatively measure that. When you put ozone into a bag of blood, the ozone disappears in seconds. There is no ozone in the blood when it enters the patient because it has already formed into peroxides. So you are infusing peroxides (German literature calls them ozonides) that hang around for several weeks. And there are great byproducts to ozone therapy: it bumps up ATP (cellular energy) production as much as 40%, and is antibacterial/-fungal/-viral. One reason it works so well for my patients is because I am killing all kinds of bugs. Combining oxygen with antioxidants markedly increases the synthesis of TNF-alpha, which the body produces to interfere with growth of tumors."
Integrative oncologists also often use proteolytic enzymes to dismantle biofilms that cancers can use to cloak themselves and evade detection from the immune system.
"IPTLD is a very effective approach to killing cancer cells, but it is not a magic bullet," cautions Linchitz. "It is a logical approach and is best when combined with changes in nutrition (reduce sugar and high glycemic foods, choose organic to avoid increased need to detox), plus a biological dentistry assessment, supplements, lifestyle assessment, and the use of other therapies like ozone and hyperthermia."
Cancer cells tend to become drug resistant. It's helpful if the toolbox contains something other than just chemo. This is where vitamin C shines. It is commonly used by integrative oncologists as an adjunct cytotoxic agent to kill cancer cells.7 The National Institutes of Health (NIH) confirmed in 2005 that high doses of vitamin C given intravenously are able to kill a high proportion of cancer cells.8 The mechanism of cellular death is high levels of intracellular hydrogen peroxide which are produced in response to the vitamin C. High doses of intravenous vitamin C also help the immune system because they can ward off bacterial and fungal infections.
PolyMVA is another popular adjunct agent with an enviable safety record. It is a bound lipoic acid palladium complex that is highly selective for malignant tissue. Board-certified oncologist Dr. James Forsythe conducted clinical trials with PolyMVA and terminally ill (stage IV) cancer patients. He reported that the overall survival rate was 71% in the PolyMVA group; less than 10% of those patients would have been expected to survive two years if they had continued to receive conventional therapy alone. His work was compelling enough to persuade the FDA in 2008 to approve the first cancer-related Investigational New Drug study utilizing a dietary supplement.
Whereas conventional therapy frowns on the use of antioxidants because they can neutralize chemo drugs, integrative oncologists use a number of antioxidants. Conventional therapy sees the need for the chemo agents to hang around for days to catch as many cells dividing as possible; IPTLD's targeted delivery system negates the need for that because insulin already encouraged cell division when the drugs were administered. It's better for the immune system to get the chemo out quickly.
"If you have maximum oxygen utilization, you don't get cancer, period," Frank Shallenberger, MD, HMD, of Nevada explained at the conference. "I have never tested one cancer patient who had normal oxygen utilization; we can quantitatively measure that. When you put ozone into a bag of blood, the ozone disappears in seconds. There is no ozone in the blood when it enters the patient because it has already formed into peroxides. So you are infusing peroxides (German literature calls them ozonides) that hang around for several weeks. And there are great byproducts to ozone therapy: it bumps up ATP (cellular energy) production as much as 40%, and is antibacterial/-fungal/-viral. One reason it works so well for my patients is because I am killing all kinds of bugs. Combining oxygen with antioxidants markedly increases the synthesis of TNF-alpha, which the body produces to interfere with growth of tumors."
Integrative oncologists also often use proteolytic enzymes to dismantle biofilms that cancers can use to cloak themselves and evade detection from the immune system.
"IPTLD is a very effective approach to killing cancer cells, but it is not a magic bullet," cautions Linchitz. "It is a logical approach and is best when combined with changes in nutrition (reduce sugar and high glycemic foods, choose organic to avoid increased need to detox), plus a biological dentistry assessment, supplements, lifestyle assessment, and the use of other therapies like ozone and hyperthermia."
Emotional Baggage
The role of chronic stress in degenerative disease is well documented. Viktor Frankl, a 20th-century Austrian neurologist and psychiatrist, demonstrated decades ago that those who survived the concentration camps in World War II were largely the people with a positive outlook. Research since then has gotten much more sophisticated.
Brenda Stockdale, author of You Can Beat the Odds: Surprising Factors Behind Chronic Illness & Cancer, told the conference attendees that the mind–body link is basic biology. "People will say, 'Cancer runs in my family; I have bad genes.' But whether disease is expressed is not cut in stone. The coding on our DNA acts like an antenna scanning what it finds, and then coding the proteins. Your environment, diet – and your feelings, the way you respond to stress – can change how your body deals with weaknesses in your DNA."
Patients literally can hear the doctor differently when the stress hormones are out of their system, Stockdale says. Also, people can learn how to stop the flood of stress hormones so that they are not fighting their own biochemistry.
Most of the IPT conference participants listed emotional baggage as an issue to be dealt with. Many integrative oncologists notice that the connection between the type of cancer and emotions can be so specific that some will say, for example, that a breast cancer is about a "nest conflict," an emotional trauma related to a loved one living in the home. One prevailing theory is that cancers are triggered by a traumatic emotional conflict shock, usually within two years prior to the cancer's showing up. But not all patients are willing to dig deep into their psyches.
"Cancer patients typically cannot talk about the traumatic event," explained DeWet. "They may not even remember the event; it has been downloaded to the subconscious. The most critical part of healing is becoming fully aware of our unresolved inner programming and triggering conflicts. Awareness is responsible for 50–60% of healing."
The biology of belief – the stories that we tell ourselves about who we are and what our experiences are – are all-important immune system regulators.
However, conventional medicine, with its Newtonian focus on finding one drug/one cure, has been slow to embrace the concept of emotional stress.
The role of chronic stress in degenerative disease is well documented. Viktor Frankl, a 20th-century Austrian neurologist and psychiatrist, demonstrated decades ago that those who survived the concentration camps in World War II were largely the people with a positive outlook. Research since then has gotten much more sophisticated.
Brenda Stockdale, author of You Can Beat the Odds: Surprising Factors Behind Chronic Illness & Cancer, told the conference attendees that the mind–body link is basic biology. "People will say, 'Cancer runs in my family; I have bad genes.' But whether disease is expressed is not cut in stone. The coding on our DNA acts like an antenna scanning what it finds, and then coding the proteins. Your environment, diet – and your feelings, the way you respond to stress – can change how your body deals with weaknesses in your DNA."
Patients literally can hear the doctor differently when the stress hormones are out of their system, Stockdale says. Also, people can learn how to stop the flood of stress hormones so that they are not fighting their own biochemistry.
Most of the IPT conference participants listed emotional baggage as an issue to be dealt with. Many integrative oncologists notice that the connection between the type of cancer and emotions can be so specific that some will say, for example, that a breast cancer is about a "nest conflict," an emotional trauma related to a loved one living in the home. One prevailing theory is that cancers are triggered by a traumatic emotional conflict shock, usually within two years prior to the cancer's showing up. But not all patients are willing to dig deep into their psyches.
"Cancer patients typically cannot talk about the traumatic event," explained DeWet. "They may not even remember the event; it has been downloaded to the subconscious. The most critical part of healing is becoming fully aware of our unresolved inner programming and triggering conflicts. Awareness is responsible for 50–60% of healing."
The biology of belief – the stories that we tell ourselves about who we are and what our experiences are – are all-important immune system regulators.
However, conventional medicine, with its Newtonian focus on finding one drug/one cure, has been slow to embrace the concept of emotional stress.
Patients Demand Change
"The NIH is focused toward one magic bullet, but we are not going to defeat cancer looking for the magic bullet," says Ann Fonfa of Florida, a cancer survivor of 19 years. "Most everybody now knows someone who has undergone conventional cancer treatment and they know how difficult it is. The majority of people who die of cancer die after taking mainstream cancer treatments. So many people get pushed into conventional treatment with the sales tactic of fear. That isn't right. You really do have time to educate yourself. What you don't have is the opportunity for buyer's remorse later when you learn more and know better."
Fonfa and other patients fed up with conventional treatment are looking to push changes through the system from the bottom up. "Patient advocates should have a voice in how the trials are designed, conducted, and outcomes presented so they are meaningful to people with cancer," Fonfa says, and she often gets a seat at the table of various organizations. "Are the powers that be asking the right questions? There is so little research on metastatic disease and yet that is what most people die from. I don't feel the funds are being
used in ways that that benefit patients. Researchers are not seeing nutrition, for example, as an integrated component of any study. Yet there are a few studies that have show a definite link. Just curcumin
blocks nine cancer pathways all by itself."
Annie Brandt is teaching patients how to take charge of their therapy. She used IPTLD and adjunct therapies when diagnosed with advanced stage metastatic breast cancer in 2001; eight months after utilizing IPTLD, she was cancer free and still is.
"Our thoughts, feelings, and interpretations of life's events are as much a part of the cancer etiology as are our genetics, our circulating tumor cells, and our white blood cell count," Brandt says. "When conventional medicine's standard of care includes treating the whole being, I believe we will see a dramatic turnaround in cancer survival rates, particularly for later stage cancers."
Brandt says that until then, those who want to be survivors need to create a personalized "healing platform." Think of it as a toolbox for life that patients can assemble, including:
"The NIH is focused toward one magic bullet, but we are not going to defeat cancer looking for the magic bullet," says Ann Fonfa of Florida, a cancer survivor of 19 years. "Most everybody now knows someone who has undergone conventional cancer treatment and they know how difficult it is. The majority of people who die of cancer die after taking mainstream cancer treatments. So many people get pushed into conventional treatment with the sales tactic of fear. That isn't right. You really do have time to educate yourself. What you don't have is the opportunity for buyer's remorse later when you learn more and know better."
Fonfa and other patients fed up with conventional treatment are looking to push changes through the system from the bottom up. "Patient advocates should have a voice in how the trials are designed, conducted, and outcomes presented so they are meaningful to people with cancer," Fonfa says, and she often gets a seat at the table of various organizations. "Are the powers that be asking the right questions? There is so little research on metastatic disease and yet that is what most people die from. I don't feel the funds are being
used in ways that that benefit patients. Researchers are not seeing nutrition, for example, as an integrated component of any study. Yet there are a few studies that have show a definite link. Just curcumin
blocks nine cancer pathways all by itself."

"Our thoughts, feelings, and interpretations of life's events are as much a part of the cancer etiology as are our genetics, our circulating tumor cells, and our white blood cell count," Brandt says. "When conventional medicine's standard of care includes treating the whole being, I believe we will see a dramatic turnaround in cancer survival rates, particularly for later stage cancers."
Brandt says that until then, those who want to be survivors need to create a personalized "healing platform." Think of it as a toolbox for life that patients can assemble, including:
- practices that change our susceptibility to cancer (e.g., serious diet changes, physical
exercise, coffee enemas, digging into our emotional baggage and getting in touch with the spiritual side); - products that lessen the chemicals in our bodies and in our environments (e.g., nontoxic household supplies, air purifiers, water filters, supplements for detox and nourishment, reducing exposure to electromagnetic fields);
- procedures and medical therapies that work together to heal holistically (e.g., IPTLD, vitamin
C, PolyMVA, hyperbaric oxygen, ozone, the use of photon and electron generators).
"To understand that cancers are usually many years in the making is to understand how to begin to take control and change your life," Brandt says. "Most doctors don't have time to educate us about these things, so we must take the initiative."
Doctors Are Changing
Guy DaSilva, MD, of Florida is trained in internal medicine, pathology, hematology, hematopathology, and molecular oncology. He was a long-time board-certified oncologist who, by his own admission, "spent many
years as a staunch protector of academic and conventional medicine" and "made buckets of money" practicing conventional cancer treatment. He was one of the 2011 Best Answer for Cancer Foundation trainees. Why did he want to learn IPTLD? "I have too much compassion not to."
Dr. "Billy" Njuguna practiced conventional oncology for four years before seeking his certification in IPTLD. "The pharmaceutical industry is making decisions of how things should be done, but they are far removed from patients and do not see the individual needs," he says. "I would estimate that 80% of the patients treated with standard oncology were not responding, they did not have much life expectancy, and we saw a lot of metastases. Then I attended a conference and a German doctor presented a protocol where he used amino acids and trace elements, lysine, 1000 mg vitamin C, and extract of green tea. I went for training at the Cochrane Institute. I had a very open mind by the time I heard about IPTLD and got my certification in 2008. I could not go back to standard oncology."
Gus Kotsanis, MD, of Texas and Sean Devlin, DO, MD(H), of Nevada cleared their calendars and made time to provide the first 12 hours of training at the conference. The IPTLD program is a minimum of 40 hours, ending in a full credentialing process. It is open to MDs and DOs in good standing, and NDs in good standing who practice with an oncologist.
Guy DaSilva, MD, of Florida is trained in internal medicine, pathology, hematology, hematopathology, and molecular oncology. He was a long-time board-certified oncologist who, by his own admission, "spent many
years as a staunch protector of academic and conventional medicine" and "made buckets of money" practicing conventional cancer treatment. He was one of the 2011 Best Answer for Cancer Foundation trainees. Why did he want to learn IPTLD? "I have too much compassion not to."
Dr. "Billy" Njuguna practiced conventional oncology for four years before seeking his certification in IPTLD. "The pharmaceutical industry is making decisions of how things should be done, but they are far removed from patients and do not see the individual needs," he says. "I would estimate that 80% of the patients treated with standard oncology were not responding, they did not have much life expectancy, and we saw a lot of metastases. Then I attended a conference and a German doctor presented a protocol where he used amino acids and trace elements, lysine, 1000 mg vitamin C, and extract of green tea. I went for training at the Cochrane Institute. I had a very open mind by the time I heard about IPTLD and got my certification in 2008. I could not go back to standard oncology."
Gus Kotsanis, MD, of Texas and Sean Devlin, DO, MD(H), of Nevada cleared their calendars and made time to provide the first 12 hours of training at the conference. The IPTLD program is a minimum of 40 hours, ending in a full credentialing process. It is open to MDs and DOs in good standing, and NDs in good standing who practice with an oncologist.
Shifting the Paradigm
No one appears to contest the efficacy of this treatment; patients much prefer it. The problem is that the powers that be have nothing to gain. "If this is so great, why hasn't this been studied more?" proposed Linchitz. "Drug companies fund the vast majority of cancer studies and it doesn't make sense to fund a study that would promote the use of only 10% of your product."
Isaac Newton (1624–1727) defined physics as a system for measuring gross quantities and forces on a physical plane. Some would say that Newton contributed more to the development of science than any other individual in history. But Newton's physics also produced answers that were often too rigid. He did not embrace the concept of a soul, for example, because it cannot be straightforwardly measured or dissected.
Today's language of discovery and the scientific definition of reality have expanded dramatically. However, in many ways, the field of medicine has yet to come out of the Newtonian era.
"If you are a scientist trained in the Newtonian paradigm, you're not seeing the complicated picture that is cancer," Grout explains. "The Newtonian way says there is one cause for one effect, and it gets very complicated to look at multiple causes, and then it gets too expensive or complicated to research multiple approaches to healing. Cancer is complicated – it is a multifactorial disease. The simplistic one-size-fits-all approach is obsolete."
No one appears to contest the efficacy of this treatment; patients much prefer it. The problem is that the powers that be have nothing to gain. "If this is so great, why hasn't this been studied more?" proposed Linchitz. "Drug companies fund the vast majority of cancer studies and it doesn't make sense to fund a study that would promote the use of only 10% of your product."
Isaac Newton (1624–1727) defined physics as a system for measuring gross quantities and forces on a physical plane. Some would say that Newton contributed more to the development of science than any other individual in history. But Newton's physics also produced answers that were often too rigid. He did not embrace the concept of a soul, for example, because it cannot be straightforwardly measured or dissected.
Today's language of discovery and the scientific definition of reality have expanded dramatically. However, in many ways, the field of medicine has yet to come out of the Newtonian era.
"If you are a scientist trained in the Newtonian paradigm, you're not seeing the complicated picture that is cancer," Grout explains. "The Newtonian way says there is one cause for one effect, and it gets very complicated to look at multiple causes, and then it gets too expensive or complicated to research multiple approaches to healing. Cancer is complicated – it is a multifactorial disease. The simplistic one-size-fits-all approach is obsolete."
AUTHOR: Mary Budinger is an Emmy Award-winning journalist who specializes in marketing services for complementary and alternative medicine. She may be contacted at 602-494-1999.
1. Brody JG, Moysich KP, et al. Environmental Pollutants and Breast Cancer. Silent Spring Institute. Cancer. May 14, 2007;109(S12): 2667–2712.
2. President's Cancer Panel. Reducing Environmental Cancer Risk – What We Can Do Now. 2008–2009 Annual Report. April 2010.
3. Colborn T, Dumanoski D, Myers JP. Our Stolen Future. Dutton; 1996
4. Greater Boston Physicians for Social Responsibility. In Harm's Way. 2002.
5 .Alabaster A, Vonderhaar B, Shafie S. Metabolic modification by
insulin enhances methotrexate cytotoxicity in MCF-7 human breast cancer
cells. Eur J Cancer Clin Oncol. 17:1223–1228.
6. Lasalvia-Prisco E, Cucchi S, et al. Insulin-induced enhancement of
antitumoral response to methotrexate in breast cancer patients. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol. 2004;53(3):220–224.
7. Padayatty SJ, Riordan HD, et al. Intravenously administered vitamin C as cancer therapy: three cases. CMAJ. 2006 March 28;174(7):937–942.
8. Chen Q, Espey MG, et al. Pharmacologic ascorbic acid concentrations
selectively kill cancer cells: Action as a pro-drug to deliver hydrogen
peroxide to tissues. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2005 Sep 20;102(38):13604–13609. Epub 2005 Sep 12.
1. Brody JG, Moysich KP, et al. Environmental Pollutants and Breast Cancer. Silent Spring Institute. Cancer. May 14, 2007;109(S12): 2667–2712.
2. President's Cancer Panel. Reducing Environmental Cancer Risk – What We Can Do Now. 2008–2009 Annual Report. April 2010.
3. Colborn T, Dumanoski D, Myers JP. Our Stolen Future. Dutton; 1996
4. Greater Boston Physicians for Social Responsibility. In Harm's Way. 2002.
5 .Alabaster A, Vonderhaar B, Shafie S. Metabolic modification by
insulin enhances methotrexate cytotoxicity in MCF-7 human breast cancer
cells. Eur J Cancer Clin Oncol. 17:1223–1228.
6. Lasalvia-Prisco E, Cucchi S, et al. Insulin-induced enhancement of
antitumoral response to methotrexate in breast cancer patients. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol. 2004;53(3):220–224.
7. Padayatty SJ, Riordan HD, et al. Intravenously administered vitamin C as cancer therapy: three cases. CMAJ. 2006 March 28;174(7):937–942.
8. Chen Q, Espey MG, et al. Pharmacologic ascorbic acid concentrations
selectively kill cancer cells: Action as a pro-drug to deliver hydrogen
peroxide to tissues. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2005 Sep 20;102(38):13604–13609. Epub 2005 Sep 12.
ascorbic acid,
integrative medicine,
The Hippocratic Oath
Perhaps the most enduring - certainly the most quoted - tradition in the history of medicine is the Hippocratic Oath.
Original, translated into English:
I swear by Apollo, the healer, Asclepius, Hygieia, and Panacea, and I take to witness all the gods, all the goddesses, to keep according to my ability and my judgment, the following Oath and agreement:
To consider dear to me, as my parents, him who taught me this art; to live in common with him and, if necessary, to share my goods with him; To look upon his children as my own brothers, to teach them this art; and that by my teaching, I will impart a knowledge of this art to my own sons, and to my teacher's sons, and to disciples bound by an indenture and oath according to the medical laws, and no others.
I will prescribe regimens for the good of my patients according to my ability and my judgment and never do harm to anyone.
I will give no deadly medicine to any one if asked, nor suggest any such counsel; and similarly I will not give a woman a pessary to cause an abortion.
But I will preserve the purity of my life and my arts.
I will not cut for stone, even for patients in whom the disease is manifest; I will leave this operation to be performed by practitioners, specialists in this art.
In every house where I come I will enter only for the good of my patients, keeping myself far from all intentional ill-doing and all seduction and especially from the pleasures of love with women or with men, be they free or slaves.
All that may come to my knowledge in the exercise of my profession or in daily commerce with men, which ought not to be spread abroad, I will keep secret and will never reveal.
If I keep this oath faithfully, may I enjoy my life and practice my art, respected by all humanity and in all times; but if I swerve from it or violate it, may the reverse be my life.
Classic translation into English:
I swear by Apollo the Physician and Asclepius and Hygieia and Panaceia and all the gods, and goddesses, making them my witnesses, that I will fulfill according to my ability and judgment this oath and this covenant:
To hold him who has taught me this art as equal to my parents and to live my life in partnership with him, and if he is in need of money to give him a share of mine, and to regard his offspring as equal to my brothers in male lineage and to teach them this art – if they desire to learn it – without fee and covenant; to give a share of precepts and oral instruction and all the other learning to my sons and to the sons of him who has instructed me and to pupils who have signed the covenant and have taken the oath according to medical law, but to no one else.
I will apply dietic measures for the benefit of the sick according to my ability and judgment; I will keep them from harm and injustice.
I will neither give a deadly drug to anybody if asked for it, nor will I make a suggestion to this effect. In purity and holiness I will guard my life and my art.
I will not use the knife, not even on sufferers from stone, but will withdraw in favor of such men as are engaged in this work.
Whatever houses I may visit, I will come for the benefit of the sick, remaining free of all intentional injustice, of all mischief and in particular of sexual relations with both female and male persons, be they free or slaves.
What I may see or hear in the course of treatment or even outside of the treatment in regard to the life of men, which on no account one must spread abroad, I will keep myself holding such things shameful to be spoken about.
If I fulfill this oath and do not violate it, may it be granted to me to enjoy life and art, being honoured with fame among all men for all time to come; if I transgress it and swear falsely, may the opposite of all this be my lot.
Modern version
A widely used modern version of the traditional oath was penned in 1964 by Dr. Louis Lasagna, former Principal of the Sackler School of Graduate Biomedical Sciences and Academic Dean of the School of Medicine at Tufts University:
I swear to fulfill, to the best of my ability and judgment, this covenant:
I will respect the hard-won scientific gains of those physicians in whose steps I walk, and gladly share such knowledge as is mine with those who are to follow.
I will apply, for the benefit of the sick, all measures [that] are required, avoiding those twin traps of overtreatment and therapeutic nihilism.
I will remember that there is art to medicine as well as science, and that warmth, sympathy, and understanding may outweigh the surgeon's knife or the chemist's drug.
I will not be ashamed to say "I know not", nor will I fail to call in my colleagues when the skills of another are needed for a patient's recovery.
I will respect the privacy of my patients, for their problems are not disclosed to me that the world may know. Most especially must I tread with care in matters of life and death. If it is given to me to save a life, all thanks. But it may also be within my power to take a life; this awesome responsibility must be faced with great humbleness and awareness of my own frailty. Above all, I must not play at God.
I will remember that I do not treat a fever chart, a cancerous growth, but a sick human being, whose illness may affect the person's family and economic stability. My responsibility includes these related problems, if I am to care adequately for the sick.
I will prevent disease whenever I can, for prevention is preferable to cure.
I will remember that I remain a member of society with special obligations to all my fellow human beings, those sound of mind and body as well as the infirm.
If I do not violate this oath, may I enjoy life and art, be respected while I live and remembered with affection thereafter. May I always act so as to preserve the finest traditions of my calling and may I long experience the joy of healing those who seek my help.
Source: http://scientifichealthjournal.blogspot.com/2012/03/hippocratic-oath.html
Named after the famous Greek physician Hippocrates, this oath was written as a guideline for the medical ethics of doctors. Although the exact words have changed over time, the general content is the same - an oath to respect those who have imparted their knowledge upon the science of medicine, and respect to the patients as well as the promise to treat them to the best of the physicians' ability. | ![]() |
Original, translated into English:
I swear by Apollo, the healer, Asclepius, Hygieia, and Panacea, and I take to witness all the gods, all the goddesses, to keep according to my ability and my judgment, the following Oath and agreement:
To consider dear to me, as my parents, him who taught me this art; to live in common with him and, if necessary, to share my goods with him; To look upon his children as my own brothers, to teach them this art; and that by my teaching, I will impart a knowledge of this art to my own sons, and to my teacher's sons, and to disciples bound by an indenture and oath according to the medical laws, and no others.
I will prescribe regimens for the good of my patients according to my ability and my judgment and never do harm to anyone.
I will give no deadly medicine to any one if asked, nor suggest any such counsel; and similarly I will not give a woman a pessary to cause an abortion.
But I will preserve the purity of my life and my arts.
I will not cut for stone, even for patients in whom the disease is manifest; I will leave this operation to be performed by practitioners, specialists in this art.
In every house where I come I will enter only for the good of my patients, keeping myself far from all intentional ill-doing and all seduction and especially from the pleasures of love with women or with men, be they free or slaves.
All that may come to my knowledge in the exercise of my profession or in daily commerce with men, which ought not to be spread abroad, I will keep secret and will never reveal.
If I keep this oath faithfully, may I enjoy my life and practice my art, respected by all humanity and in all times; but if I swerve from it or violate it, may the reverse be my life.
Classic translation into English:
I swear by Apollo the Physician and Asclepius and Hygieia and Panaceia and all the gods, and goddesses, making them my witnesses, that I will fulfill according to my ability and judgment this oath and this covenant:
To hold him who has taught me this art as equal to my parents and to live my life in partnership with him, and if he is in need of money to give him a share of mine, and to regard his offspring as equal to my brothers in male lineage and to teach them this art – if they desire to learn it – without fee and covenant; to give a share of precepts and oral instruction and all the other learning to my sons and to the sons of him who has instructed me and to pupils who have signed the covenant and have taken the oath according to medical law, but to no one else.
I will apply dietic measures for the benefit of the sick according to my ability and judgment; I will keep them from harm and injustice.
I will neither give a deadly drug to anybody if asked for it, nor will I make a suggestion to this effect. In purity and holiness I will guard my life and my art.
I will not use the knife, not even on sufferers from stone, but will withdraw in favor of such men as are engaged in this work.
Whatever houses I may visit, I will come for the benefit of the sick, remaining free of all intentional injustice, of all mischief and in particular of sexual relations with both female and male persons, be they free or slaves.
What I may see or hear in the course of treatment or even outside of the treatment in regard to the life of men, which on no account one must spread abroad, I will keep myself holding such things shameful to be spoken about.
If I fulfill this oath and do not violate it, may it be granted to me to enjoy life and art, being honoured with fame among all men for all time to come; if I transgress it and swear falsely, may the opposite of all this be my lot.
Modern version
A widely used modern version of the traditional oath was penned in 1964 by Dr. Louis Lasagna, former Principal of the Sackler School of Graduate Biomedical Sciences and Academic Dean of the School of Medicine at Tufts University:
I swear to fulfill, to the best of my ability and judgment, this covenant:
I will respect the hard-won scientific gains of those physicians in whose steps I walk, and gladly share such knowledge as is mine with those who are to follow.
I will apply, for the benefit of the sick, all measures [that] are required, avoiding those twin traps of overtreatment and therapeutic nihilism.
I will remember that there is art to medicine as well as science, and that warmth, sympathy, and understanding may outweigh the surgeon's knife or the chemist's drug.
I will not be ashamed to say "I know not", nor will I fail to call in my colleagues when the skills of another are needed for a patient's recovery.
I will respect the privacy of my patients, for their problems are not disclosed to me that the world may know. Most especially must I tread with care in matters of life and death. If it is given to me to save a life, all thanks. But it may also be within my power to take a life; this awesome responsibility must be faced with great humbleness and awareness of my own frailty. Above all, I must not play at God.
I will remember that I do not treat a fever chart, a cancerous growth, but a sick human being, whose illness may affect the person's family and economic stability. My responsibility includes these related problems, if I am to care adequately for the sick.
I will prevent disease whenever I can, for prevention is preferable to cure.
I will remember that I remain a member of society with special obligations to all my fellow human beings, those sound of mind and body as well as the infirm.
If I do not violate this oath, may I enjoy life and art, be respected while I live and remembered with affection thereafter. May I always act so as to preserve the finest traditions of my calling and may I long experience the joy of healing those who seek my help.
Source: http://scientifichealthjournal.blogspot.com/2012/03/hippocratic-oath.html
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Dr. Leo Rebello - Health and Wisdom

This is the Time for Change and Time for Healing of the world and all life she holds in her care. We must UNITE!
Dr. Leo Rebello is a Holistic Healer from India, who has been helping his patients get off medications for short and long-term health problems like heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, obesity, asthma, digestive ailments, osteo arthritis, MS and other debilitating diseases, and enjoy real health.
He believes in putting the responsibility of health back in the hands of the patient. His popular slogans being 'Health Care is Self Care', 'From AIDS Scare to AIDS Care'. By adopting simple dietary and lifestyle changes, doing Yoga, simple water cure, massage and acupressure, and by simple herbal, biochemic and homeopathic remedies, his patients have achieved astonishing results, often reversing illnesses.
His team of world renowned doctors consist of Dr. Water, Dr. Diet, Dr. Sleep, Dr. Exercise, Dr. Sunshine, Dr. Humour and Dr. Leo Rebello himself. If you follow their advice properly, you will live to be a healthy hundred without ills, pills and doctors bills. By attending his lectures understand how by applying nature's laws all illnesses can be prevented and cured. Nature's wisdom surpasses medicine madness.
Dr. Leo Rebello wants to become a Doctor to the Nation to remove cancers of corruption, casteism, communalism and criminalisation of politics in India, by contesting Presidential Elections due in 2012. In fact, Dr. Rebello is running for President of India in the upcoming election of 2012.
Support health and healing by promoting Dr. Leo throughout India and around the world.
Dr. Rebello has also released his new book "World Without Wars" which has been nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize. The book will be made available here on this site soon.
Visit Dr. Rebello's site for more information and health reform suggestions:
World is a Family - The World United
Speech delivered by Dr. Leo Rebello, World Peace Ambassador, at the
1st World Parliament on Spirituality, in Hyderabad-India, on 19 December 2012.
BIO: Dr. Leo Rebello
Editor (Medical Veritas)(Bombay, India)
Leo Rebello, ND, PhD, DSc, FF Hom
Dr. Leo Rebello has served as Director of Natural Health
Centre, Bombay since 1978 and President of AIDS Alternativa
International since 1989. He has lectured in some 63 countries
worldwide, including at WHO, UNAIDS, UNESCO, UNDP,
Habitat, Medicina Alternativa conferences and is the only
Indian doctor to visit the Nobel Foundation and
recommend to the Medical Nobel Committee to give Nobel
Prize in Medicine also to Holistic Healers.
Dr. Rebello has been nominated for a Nobel award
five times.
Dr. Leo Rebello conducts public lectures, seminars, health
camps, training on, notably, following subjects.
10,000 lectures given in some 63 countries: From
AIDS Scare to AIDS Care (the title of his forthcoming book).
Stress Management. From Fat to Fit (or How to Reduce
Weight Naturally), Management of Asthma through
Naturopathy, Yoga, Homeopathy. Diabetes Dilemma,
Cancer Conundrum, Hypertension: let it not kill you,
How to gain height, Dr. Leo Rebello’s 10 Health(y)
Commandments, Health of the Elderly. Spiritual Emergency,
Common Values of Various Religions, World Parliament,
World Peace, Safety, Ecology and Environment.
Dr. Leo Rebello’s ambition is to establish the World’s First
Holistic AIDS and Cancer Hospital. Here the HIV positive,
Cancer, Diabetes, and other so-called incurable cases will be
admitted for Natural Treatment consisting of diet, biochemic
medicine, homeopathy, yoga, acupuncture, oxygen therapy,
Ayurveda, etc .
The proposed 500 - bed facility will need approx.
100 acres of land preferably by the riverside. It will house a
University, R&D Centre, Herbarium, Recreation and Sports
Centre, All Religion Centre, and will grow food through
Bio-dynamic Farming Methods. The Centre will also have an all
-religion theme park, vegetarian restaurant, homoeopathic and
Ayurvedic medicine laboratories, conference facilities, electro
n-ic and print media production centres, housing blocks for
dedicated staff, students’ hostels, and old age home.
Dr. Leo Rebello guides doctoral and post doctoral students.
He pioneered and started in 1978 a sixty lesson Correspondence
Course in Naturopathy in Bombay and has trained and treated
thousands. Dr. Leo Rebello is also the originator of
Walkathons against Drugs, AIDS; Jogathon for Health, and as Advisor to
Nashabandi Mandal (Prohibition Council), Maharashtra, he has
gone to various Colleges/Schools to create awareness on
Substance Abuse. He also gives Counseling to Drug Addicts and
AIDS patients.
Dr. Leo Rebello has published 35 books, several articles,
poems, reports, etc.
Education and Professional Member
Doctor of Naturopathy [N.D.]
Reg. no. 94 of 1978. Indian Institute
of Drugless Therapy, Bo
Doctor of Philos
ophy [Ph.D.]
Reg. no. 7559 of 1980. The Anglo
American Institute of Dru
less Therapy [Estd. in 1911 in UK].
Doctor of Science (D.Sc) Honoris Causa, 1989.
Doctor of Philosophy (Honoris Causa in Human
ties) 1998
International Academy of Culture and Politic
al Science, Bru
Doctor of Humanitarian Service, World Organisation of Natural
cine, Canada, 2008.
Professional Memberships/Fellowships
Fellow Faculty of Homoeopathy (F.F.Hom), Malaysia.
Fellow of the European Medical Association, UK.
Fellow and
Grand Master of British Guild of Drugless Pract
Fellow of Indian Naturopathic Practitioners Association, Delhi.
Fellow of Medicina Alternativa, Alma Ata.
Time magazine, the Los Angeles Times, Pravda, BBC
TV and Radio, TV Asia, Do
ordarshan, Star TV, NDTV, All India R
dio, the Times of India, Indian Express, Asian Age, the Observer, the
Outlook magazine, the Week etc.
Present Honorary Positions Held/Memberships
World Peace Envoy and Vice President (Central
and South
Asia) of
ational Association of Educ
tors for World Peace, from 2004.
Goodwill Ambassador of St. Stanislas O
der, Poland, from 1997.
Minister, International Parliament for Safety and Peace,
Italy, from 1997.
Vice President, International Organization for An
imal Prote
Germany, since 1995.
Corresponding Member of Institute of International A
fairs, France,
Elected Board Member of the Registry of World Citizens, Paris,
France, 2004.
Karmaveer Puraskar (Noble Laureate)
award for social
justice and action 2007, for lifetime acti
Dag Hammarskjold International Award for Excellence in Altern
tive Medicine, 1988.
Fellow, Academie Diplomatique de la Paix, Brussels, 1990.
Albert Schweitzer Prize for Humanism in Medicine,
Yellow Emperor Prize for Holistic Healing, 1995.
Grand Cross with Collar (GCCStS) of St. Stanislas Order, 1997.
Accademico (the only Asian recognised so far) by The Ac
Constantiniana, 1997.
100 Outstanding Persons of the 20th Century, IBC, Cam
World Record for Pen Power in Limca Book of Records 2001
Listed in the British Alumni Directory, 1998.
World Peace Ambassador Award, 2004 of the International Assn.of
tors for World Peace.
Special Executive Magistrate (same as Jus
tice of Peace) for Greater
Bombay, for 18 years, and also President of SEMs (JPs) Associ
Served on the Indian Films Censor Board for about two years.
Selected titles
Amrit Manthan
(An International Journal of Holistic Health
Sciences), Editor &
Nature Cure & Yoga Therapy, 3rd ed.
Also translated in Turkish.
Panacea for Pain
Poetry book:
Travesty of Life
(50 all time best poems)
recommended three times for the Nobel and two other poetry
books in English and
Shadow Government Experiment
Pen Power: an enc
clopedia of letters to the editor. Limca
of World Records.
AIDS and Alternative Medicine
(4th Revised and Enlarged
Book: Free, Fair and Fearless.
Book: Holistic Healing in Tropical Diseases.
dr. leo rebello,
natural healing,
united health
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